Japanese cat roof tile and East Asia
The cat roof tile decorations commonly found in East Asian architecture play the role of Talisman. However, considering the differences in the shape and location of the decorations, it could be claim that the decoration occurred in the country's own way regardless of the neighboring countries. Although the cat tile decoration has something in common in Japan and Korea in that it is a cat, only the name 'Myoduwa' remains in Korea, but the form does not exist. The cat decoration found in China actually represents a lion, not a cat, and its location also exists in a different position from the decorations shown in Japan. This difference proves that Okinawa's 'Shisa', where closer to China's cultural sphere than Japan's, has many similarities with Chinese tile decorations.
2. 일본의 고양이 기와
3. 오키나와의 시-사-와 중국의 风狮爷과 瓦猫
4. 중국과 한국의 고양이 기와
5. 마무리