‘국민=언어 공동체’의 양가성과 트랜스내셔널 히스토리
This paper examined the ambivalence of language and education that is inherent in nation states. The Gyegan Samcheolli, a quarterly magazine published by Korean/Joseon residents in Japan after the 2nd world war, provides sources that address the issues of language and education and problems in the ambivalence of a nation state. This paper, however, did not intend to deal with language and textbooks simply as the object of criticism. Rather, it attempted to address the ‘restraint’ and ‘liberation’ of individual perceptions created by language and textbooks. To this end, this paper first looked at the attributes of language. It has an incantatory nature as it controls human perceptions, but, on the contrary, there is also a possibility that one can form a new cognition through language. The restraint by language was clearly demonstrated by the colonial rule of Korea by Japan. During the occupation era, Japan propagated the ideology of “(national) language=state” by emphasizing the similarities between Korean and Japanese languages. This was part of the policy to turn Korean into Japanese supported by the national language ideology established by state power, which aimed at dominating Koreans in the world of Japanese language. Meanwhile, the Gyegan Samcheolli explained the problem of the premise “single-state=national language” by examining the process in which Japanese people and Korean/Joseon residents in Japan learned Korean after the war. It brought about the awakening of consciousness that was domesticated by the trinity of “Japanese people=Japanese language=Japan.” The process of learning Korean was universally characterized by the experience of confusion, but it acted as an opportunity to establish a new subjectivity. The article also looked at the argument that educational system, like language, can dominate and liberate individuals’ perceptions. It was textbooks that have created discriminatory language throughout history. Japan implemented the authorized textbook system constructed before the war even after the war as a means to cast national consciousness. One example was the justification of the wars and the single-state historical view. Nevertheless, the Gyegan Samcheolli, critically approaching this pre-war historical view that persisted after the war, suggested a new logic for historical perceptions for history textbooks that was found in the case of Hiroshima (広島); in other words, it proposed a way for Japan to put post-imperialism into action by recognizing its history as the “perpetrator” through the spelling of “Hiroshima” in katakana (ヒロシマ), rather than to remember the city as an atomic bomb affected area with its traditional spelling with Chinese characters.
본 논고에서는 국민국가가 내재적으로 갖게 되는 언어와 교육의 문제에 대해 살펴보았다. 이 문제에 접근하기 위해 국민국가의 내/외부를 경험한 일본인과 재일한국·조선인이 간행한 계간삼천리를 분석 대상으로 삼았다. 이를 위해 첫째 ‘언어’의 속성에 대해 다루었다. 언어는 인간의 인식을 컨트롤 하는 주술성을 갖지만, 반대로 언어를 통해 새로운 자아를 형성할 수 있는 가능성도 존재한다. 전자의 논리를 보여주는 것이 일본의 조선 식민지지배였다. 일본은 조선식민지 지배시기 조선어와 일본어의 유사성을 강조하여 ‘국어(언어)=국가’ 이데올로기를 선전했다. 이는 국가 권력이 만든 국어이데올로기에 의한 ‘일본인 만들기’의 일환이었다. 그러나 전후 일본인 중에는 ‘일본인=일본어=일본’이라는 삼종일체(三種一体) 논리에 순치된 자아를 각성하게 된다. 그것은 재일한국・조선인이 조선어를 배우면서, 그리고 일본인이 조선어를 배운다는 ‘과정에서 겪는 혼란함’이 보편적인 특징으로 나타났고, 주체를 새로 형성하는 계기로 작동했다. 그리고 언어와 마찬가지로 교육제도가 개인의 인식을 지배하기도 하고 해방을 가져올 수 있는 논리를 살펴보았다. 일본은 전전(戰前)의 검정교과서 제도를 전후(戰後)에도 그대로 활용하며 국민의식을 주조해냈다. 그 일례가 바로 ‘전쟁’의 합리화였고, 일국(一國)주의적 역사관이었다. 그렇지만 계간삼천리에서는 전후에도 이어진 이러한 전전의 ‘사관(史觀)’을 비판적으로 다루면서, 검정교과서에 대한 상대화 시각을 제시했다. 그것은 원폭 피해 지역 히로시마(広島)가 전쟁의 피해자 기억에 머무르는 것이 아니라 가타카나 히로시마(ヒロシマ)로 표기하면서 보편적 평화에 눈을 뜨게 하는 길을 보여주고 있는 것이었다.
Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Language as a Means: Duality in Language Principle
1. Language as a Binding Spell of a Nation-State
2. Language as an External Channel of a Nation State
Ⅲ. Political and Transhistorical Nature of State-Designated Textbooks
1. Confirmation of History and the Birth of Fiction
2. Re-recognition of History and the State and “Hiroshima”
Ⅳ. Conclusions