


‘약속잡기’를 주제로 한 독일어 SMS 및 전화대화 비교 - 품사별 어휘의 통계적 분포 및 대화구조를 중심으로 -


A Comparative Study on the Conversational Structure of German SMS Dialogues and Telephone Conversations - Under the Topic ‘Appointments’

김도연, 이동은, 이민행

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study is to reveal the differences between SMS dialogues and telephone conversations in terms of statistical distribution of lexemes and conversational structures. In order to do so, we have built two corpora, MoCoDa-cqp and Verbmobil-cqp. Based on the SMS dialogues of MoCoDa and telephone conversation data of German Verbmobil Corpus under the topic “Appointment Scheduling”, this study looks into the dialogue structures taking media differences into account, in addition to the statistic distribution of vocabulary and their part of speech. A dialogue structure consists of adjacency pairs of dialogue acts. With the different pairs and their frequency, we have attempted to find the prototypical dialogue structure. As a result, the dialogue structures varied depending on the medium of the conversation. It also became clear, that the topic of the conversation has a great influence on the dialogue structure. Through this study we have observed that the conversation participants used distinctive vocabularies depending on the medium. This result is closely related to the intimacy between the participants and/or the fact that the media environment, communicated in either written or spoken language, has influence on the vocabularies used. For the investigation of the distinctive lexemes of each corpus we adopted the Distinctive Collexeme Analysis framework proposed by Gries and Stefanowitsch(2004).


1. 서론
2. SMS 에서 사용되는 언어의 특징
3. SMS 대화 및 전화대화 간 품사별 어휘 사용빈도 비교
3.1. 단순빈도 비교
3.2. 상대빈도 비교
4. ‘약속잡기’를 주제로 하는 SMS 대화 및 전화대화의 구조 비교
4.1. SMS 대화와 전화대화 중 대화행위 및 대화행위 연쇄의 발현빈도 비교
4.2. ‘약속잡기’를 주제로 한 SMS 대화구조와 전화 대화구조 비교
5. 맺음말


  • 김도연 이화여자대학교
  • 이동은 연세대학교
  • 이민행 연세대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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