

Technique According to the Calculation of Thresholds of Histogram Based on Overlap Areas for Reducing




In In this study, technique has been suggested according to the calculation of thresholds of histogram based on overlap areas for reducing noise while analyzing the functions of them. Suggested algorithm is to convert histogram extracted from color images to gray level and select overlap areas from extracted histogram. In addition, feature table is configured after extracting histogram in the relevant overlap area while comparing and retrieving for query and database video images by using this feature table. Suggested retrieval system has been confirmed to be more outstanding with retrieval function in video images with more noises than the system that only used color histogram.


1. Introduction
2. Visual Feature Information
2.1. Color Space
2.2. Color Histogram
3. Suggested Algorithm
3.1. Technique in Reducing Noise by Calculation of Histogram Threshold Based on Overlap Area
3.2. Simulation
4. Conclusion


  • Young-Eun An National Program of Excellence in Software center, Chosun University, Gwangju
  • Sang-Hyun Bae Department of Computer Science & Statistics, Chosun University, Gwangju
  • Tae-Yeun Kim National Program of Excellence in Software center, Chosun University, Gwangju


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