

Original Article

Effects of season and breed on the reproductive performance of sheep



The aim of the current study was to compare the effects of season and breed on the reproductive performance of male and female sheep using 12 rams and 318 ewes of Assaf and Awassi breeds under the seasonal environmental condition of United Arab Emirates for two years. The blood level of testosterone hormone was measured monthly. Semen was collected twice a month from each male using artificial vagina and evaluated for volume, motility, livability, abnormality and concentration. The scrotal circumference and thickness as well as the left testicular length, width, height and volume were measured at one-month intervals. The level of testosterone in Assaf breed was significantly higher in autumn than winter and summer. The scrotal circumference and thickness as well as the left testicular length were significantly higher in Assaf breed than Awassi breed. While, left testicular width and volume were significantly higher in Awassi breed than Assaf breed. Scrotal circumference which was higher in spring and summer than in autumn and winter season in both breeds. The SCC of semen was significantly higher in autumn than in other seasons in both breeds. The sperm abnormality was significantly higher in summer than other seasons in both breeds. The livability was significantly lower in summer in both breeds. Fecundity and prolificacy were significantly higher in Assaf than Awassi breed during autumn season. Assaf breed showed the superior reproductive performance in the autumn season when compared with Awassi breed in the same season and other seasons. The Assaf breed tolerated the climatic conditions in UAE and kept the litter size of 1.72 in comparison to Awassi breed which showed litter size of 1.09. in conclusion, the results showed the superiority of Assaf over Awassi breed and offer a good model of breeding with increased fecundity and prolificacy specially in autumn season.




  • Hany A. Zaher Research and Development Division, Abu Dhabi Agriculture and Food Safety Authority, Abu Dhabi 52150, United Arab Emirate, Department of Theriogenology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Zagazig University, Sharkia 44519, Egypt
  • Saeed A. Alawaash Research and Development Division, Abu Dhabi Agriculture and Food Safety Authority, Abu Dhabi 52150, United Arab Emirate
  • Ayman A. Swelum Department of Theriogenology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Zagazig University, Sharkia 44519, Egypt, Department of Animal Production, College of Food and Agriculture Sciences, King Saud University, Riyadh 11451, Saudi Arabia


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