

Original Article

Changes of Plasminogen Activator Activity under Heat Stress Condition in Porcine Endometrium



The aim of this study was to investigate effect of heat stress on expression levels of plasminogen activators (PAs) related mRNAs and proteins, and changes of PAs activity in porcine endometrial explants. The endometrial explants (200 ± 50 mg) were isolated from middle part of uterine horn at follicular phase (Day 19-21) and were pre-incubated in serum-free culture medium at 38.5oC in 5% CO2 for 18 h. Then, the tissues were transferred into fresh medium and were cultured at different temperature (38.5, 39.5, 40.5 or 41.5oC) for 24 h. The expression level of urokinase-type PA (uPA), type-1 PA inhibitor (PAI-1), type-2 PAI (PAI-2), and heat shock protein-90 (HSP-90) mRNA were analysis by reverse-transcription PCR and proteins were measured by western blotting. The supernatant were used for measurement of PAs activity. In results, mRNA and protein levels of HSP-90 was higher in 41.5oC treatment groups than other treatment groups (p < 0.05). The expression of uPA, PAI-1, and PAI-2 mRNA were slightly increased by heat stress, however, there were no significant difference. Heat stress condition suppressed expression of active uPA and PAI-2 proteins (p < 0.05), whereas PAI-1 protein was increased (p < 0.01). Although PAI-1 protein was increased and active uPA was decreased, PAs activity was greatly enhanced by exposure of heat stress (p < 0.05). These results suggest that heat stress condition could change intrauterine microenvironment through regulation of PAs activity and other factors regarding with activation of PAs might be regulate by heat stress. Therefore, more studies regarding with regulatory mechanism of PAs activation are needed.


Endometrial explant culture and induction of heat stress
Reverse transcription-PCR
Western blot
PAs activity assay
Statistical analysis
Expression of HSP-90 mRNA and protein in heat stress-exposed explants
Change of PAs activity and expression under heat stress condition


  • Yong Hwangbo College of Animal Life Sciences, Kangwon National University
  • Hee-Tae Cheong College of Veterinary Medicine, Kangwon National University
  • Choon-Keun Park College of Animal Life Sciences, Kangwon National University


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