

한트케의 침묵극에 나타난 몸담론의 의미 : 「우리가 서로 알 수 없었던 시간」의 예에서


The Meaning of Body Discourse Showed in Handke’s Silent Play - in the example of “Die Stunde da wir nichts voneinander wußten”


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In February 2019, Handke’s silent play, entitled “Die Stunde da wir nichts voneinander wußten”, was performed in Seoul. The play was originally completed and had its maiden performance in Germany in 1992. Handke’s play brought social issues to the stage in a unique way through silence and body language. In an era where existing plays were produced based on lines and dialogue, this play, stood out in stark contrast. This silent play received little attention as it was overshadowed by various forms of experimentation in postmodernist plays. Handke was making a declaration of independence through his play, which he viewed from an aesthetical point of view with critical acceptance, to escape from the world of existing dialogue based plays and broaden the audience’s opportunity to become actual participants. Handke’s reputation as an avant-garde playwright was established in the early 70’s with his play “Publikumsbeschimpfung” and his play, “Die Stunde da wir nichts voneinander wußten” has only strengthened this reputation. “Die Stunde da wir nichts voneinander wußten” is a play which is born out of the remorse for modern people’s misuse of oral language and the existentiality which is to never give up. Handke’s aim was to focus on one’s self existence instead of the private possession of one’s self. Handke endeavoured to pursue the formation and dissolution of one’s self, through physicality and purposefully used silence to enhance that physicality. Using body language, Handke managed to replace the lethargic language found in traditional plays that do not express the extent of everyday painful realities. The meaning of body discourse in “Die Stunde da wir nichts voneinander wußten” tells the importance of communication through body language which has been forgotten and replaced by spoken language. At least for this reason alone, Hantke's journey to a new theatrical world best reflects the philosophical intent of communication by the original author Hantke to penetrate a world of alienation, loneliness and indifference in the human race.


1. 탈언어극으로의 지향
2. 광장의 침묵과 연극언어의 경계
2.1. 광장의 장소성
2.2. 침묵의 무대미학을 위하여
3. 침묵의 존재와 몸담론의 의미
3.1. 침묵으로 그려낸 일상
3.2. 소통과 화해의 광장
4. 무대 미학적 관점에서의 소통의 철학


  • 류재국 Jae-Kook Ryu. 중앙대학교 사 / ( )한국문화예술산업진흥회 공연예술연구소 소장


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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