

The Effect of Leadership Types of Managers Perceived by ICT Organization Members on Leadership Trust and Job Satisfaction




We study to confirm the relationship between leadership trust and job satisfaction on the leadership style of managers recognized by ICT organization members. To this end, the research hypothesis established by using SPSS23.0 for the survey results of 230 ICT organization members was analyzed as follows. First, the hypothesis 1 person leadership type (individual consideration: H1-1, intellectual stimulation: H1-2, charisma: H1-3, conditional compensation: H1-4, exceptional reward: H1-5) had a significant effect on leader trust. The results were obtained. Second, the hypothesis 2 manager's leadership type (individual consideration: H21-1, intellectual stimulation: H2-2, charisma: H2-3, conditional compensation: 2-4, expected compensation: H2-5) is based on job satisfaction. As a result of verifying the impact relationship, all showed significant effect on job satisfaction. Third, it acted as a positive factor in the job satisfaction of the leader of the hypothesis 3-member organizational member. It was confirmed that the job satisfaction of organizational members started based on the trust of actual leaders. Fourth, the role of leadership trust was partially confirmed between leadership type and job satisfaction. Through this study, in order to improve job satisfaction of ICT organizational members, the importance of exerting competency on the leadership type of managers and trusting the leaders on the characteristics consistent with ICT organizational characteristics was emphasized.


1. Introduction
2. Theoretical background and hypothesis setting
2.1 Leadership type
2.2 Leader trust
2.3 Job satisfaction
2.4 Research hypothesis
2.5 Data collection and analysis method
3. Empirical analysis
3.1 General statistical characteristics analysis
3.2 Reliability and Validation
3.3 Hypothesis Verification
4. Conclusion


  • Moon Jun Kim Research Professor, KNU Corporate Management Institute, Kongju National University, Korea


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