

A New Cluster Head Selection Technique based on Remaining Energy of Each Node for Energy Efficiency in WSN



Designing of a hierarchical clustering algorithm is one of the numerous approaches to minimize the energy consumption of the Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). In this paper, a homogeneous and randomly deployed sensor nodes is considered. These sensors are energy constrained elements. The nominal selection of the Cluster Head (CH) which falls under the clustering part of the network protocol is studied and compared to Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH) protocol. CHs in this proposed process is the function of total remaining energy of each node as well as total average energy of the whole arrangement. The algorithm considers initial energy, optimum value of cluster heads to elect the next group of cluster heads for the network as well as residual energy. Total remaining energy of each node is compared to total average energy of the system and if the result is positive, these nodes are eligible to become CH in the very next round. Analysis and numerical simulations quantify the efficiency and Average Energy Ratio (AER) of the proposed system.


1. Introduction
2. Background
3. Proposed Algorithm for Cluster Head selection
4. Simulation Results
5. Conclusion


  • Sagun Subedi Ph.D., Department of Electronics and Information Engineering, Mokpo National University, Korea
  • Sang-Il Lee Professor, Department of Electronics and Information Engineering, Mokpo National University, Korea
  • Jae-Hee Lee Assistant Department of Electronics and Information Engineering, Mokpo National University, Korea


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