

A Performance Analysis of Virtualization using Docker for Radar Signal Processing



When replacing hardware due to obsolescence, discontinuation, and expansion of software-equipped electronic equipment, software changes are required in the past, but if virtualization technology is applied, it can be applied without software changes. In this regard, we studied in order to apply virtualization technology in the development of naval multi-function radar signal processing, we studied hardware and OS independency for Docker and performance comparison between Docker and virtual machine. As a result, it was confirmed that hardware and OS independence exist when using Docker and that high-speed processing is possible compared to the virtual machine.


1. Introduction
2. Virtualization technology
2.1 Virtual Machine(VM)
2.2 Container
3. Test environment
3.1 Hardware and OS independence test environment for Docker
3.2 Performance analysis test environment according to virtualization technology
4. Test results and analysis
4.1 Hardware independence test results for Docker
4.2 OS independence test results for Docker
4.3 Performance comparison analysis result according to virtualization technology
5. Conclusion


  • Jong-Hoon Ji Research Engineer, Radar R&D, LIG Nex1, Korea
  • Hyun-Wook Moon Research Engineer, Radar R&D, LIG Nex1, Korea
  • Sung-Hwan Sohn Research Engineer, Radar R&D, LIG Nex1, Korea
  • Sung-Min Hong Research Engineer, Radar R&D, LIG Nex1, Korea
  • Se-Woong Kwon Research Engineer, Radar R&D, LIG Nex1, Korea
  • Yeon-Duk Kang Research Engineer, Radar R&D, LIG Nex1, Korea


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