

Soft switched Synchronous Boost Converter for Battery Dischargers



In this paper, we proposed a soft switched synchronous boost converter, which can perform discharging the battery, is proposed. The proposed converter has low switching loss even at high frequency operation due to its soft switching characteristics. The converter operates in synchronous mode to minimize conduction loss because of changing the rectified diode to MOSFET with a low on resistance. In this reason, the efficiency of the converter can be greatly improved in high frequency. In this paper, the battery discharger with a switching frequency of 100 kHz, has been designed. The designed converter also simulated to prove the converter's characteristics of synchronous operation as well as soft switching operation. The simulation shows that the proposed converter always meets the soft switching conditions of turning on and off switching in the zero voltage and zero current states. Therefore, simulation results have confirmed that the proposed battery discharge had soft switching characteristics. The simulation results have confirmed that the proposed battery discharger had soft switching and synchronous operation characteristics.


1. Introduction
2. High efficiency proposed converter
3. Simulations results
4. Conclusions


  • Zhiyong Dong PhD student, Energy and Electrical Engineering, Woosuk University, Korea
  • Gyubum Joung Professor, Energy and Electrical Engineering, Woosuk University, Korea


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