

Development of Startup Ecosystem in Vietnam in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution



The fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0) will generate great benefits and big challenges in equal measure. Industry 4.0 has an impact on context, technology and business as long as it transforms design, production systems and products themselves. Industry 4.0 has also created many opportunities and challenges for startups to improve their business efficiency. The reality has shown that the industry 4.0 has begun to strong impacts of various levels on many areas of Vietnam’s economy. In such context, it is necessary to implement sufficient and thorough research and evaluation of many issues of startups and innovation and to consider suitable solutions and effective ways to take advantages of opportunities that the Industry 4.0 brings to Vietnam. This paper proposes the solution for supporting and promoting to develope of innovative start-up enterprise in accordance with the conditions and circumstances of Vietnam in the context of Industry 4.0


1. Introduction
2. The current status of Vietnamese startups
2.1 Vietnam startup ecosystem
2.2 The number of Startups
3. Proposed solutions to develop innovative startup enterprise in Vietnam in the context of Industry 4.0
3.1 Focus on Startup Ecosystem development strategies
3.2 Focus on Tech startups in industry 4.0
3.3. Focus on human resources
3.4 Focus on innovation of startups
3.5 Focus on policies and legal framework for the operation of ecosystem
3.6 Focus on the financial accessibility for startup enterprises
4. Conclusions


  • Quoc Cuong Nguyen Assistant Professor, Faculty of Technology, Dong Nai Technology University, Dong Nai, Vietnam
  • Thi Huyen Tran Lecturer, Faculty of Accounting- Finance, Dong Nai Technology University, Dong Nai, Vietnam
  • HyukDong Kwon Professor, Graduate School of NID Fusion Technology, Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Seoul, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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