

Data-Driven-Based Beam Selection for Hybrid Beamforming in Ultra-Dense Networks



In this paper, we propose a data-driven-based beam selection scheme for massive multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO) systems in ultra-dense networks (UDN), which is capable of addressing the problem of high computational cost of conventional coordinated beamforming approaches. We consider highly dense small-cell scenarios with more small cells than mobile stations, in the millimetre-wave band. The analog beam selection for hybrid beamforming is a key issue in realizing millimetre-wave UDN MIMO systems. To reduce the computation complexity for the analog beam selection, in this paper, two deep neural network models are used. The channel samples, channel gains, and radio frequency beamforming vectors between the access points and mobile stations are collected at the central/cloud unit that is connected to all the small-cell access points, and are used to train the networks. The proposed machine-learning-based scheme provides an approach for the effective implementation of massive MIMO system in UDN environment.


1. Introduction
2. System model
3. Data-driven-based Beam Selection
3.1 Training Dataset Representation in the First-Stage
3.2 Training Dataset Representation in the Second-stage
3.3 Building the Neural Networks
3.4 Operation of the ML-CB-based Massive MIMO System
4. Numerical Results and Discussion
5. Conclusion


  • Sang-Lim Ju Doctor, Department of radio and communication engineering, Chungbuk National University, Korea
  • Kyung-Seok Kim Professor, Department of information and communication engineering, Chungbuk National University, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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