

<겨울 해바라기>와 <아시안 스위트>의 음식서사 연구


A Study on the Food narrative in ‘Winter Sunflower’ and ‘Asian Sweets’

이혜정, 이홍이

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study aims to analyze how the psychology of characters and their changes are described through ‘food’ in the dramas ‘Winter Sunflower’ and ‘Asian Sweets’ by the playwright Chong Wishing. For example, in ‘Winter Sunflower’, the main story is based on the host family of Galmegi-jang, and the conflict between the mother and son, and their lovers. The suppressed feelings of the characters in the play are expressed all the time as only beer and cola appear on the empty table at the end of the year. In the scene where they seek reconciliation, everyone sits around eating osechi, a holiday food. ‘Asian Sweets’, on the other hand, depicts a family’s long-term hustle and bustle as a cold food taken from the refrigerator or a dessert that has been sown in a convenience store. The scene of alleviating their conflict is not a conversation or another event, but a warm hot pot. As such, these two works suggest a new feature of Chong’s play in that he actively uses the image of food in showing relationships between characters whose dialogues in drama are not explained enough.




1. 서론
2. 빈 식탁과 만찬의 식탁: <겨울 해바라기>
3. 소통의 매개/무기로 기능하는 음식: <아시안 스위트>
4. 결론


  • 이혜정 Lee, HyeJeong. 중앙대학교 예술대학 공연영상창작학부 연극전공 부교수, 일본공연예술
  • 이홍이 Lee, HongYie. 번역가, 일본현대희곡


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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