

범어사 간행 『영사단지』의 성격과 조엄


Yeongsadanji of Beomeosa Temple and Cho Eom


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Beomeosa temple in Busan wrote a transcribed version of Yeongsadanji(永思壇誌) for the purpose of leaving the public virtue of Cho Eom ((趙曮, 1719~1777), and in the same year they set up a monument for him. The main part of the book is about achievements of Cho Eom, who consistently eliminated taxes and forced labor imposed on temples. From the records of Beomeosa village man, Ahn Cheo‐taek and Cho Eom’s descendant, Cho Jung‐rye to Beomeosa monk Lim Chu’s preface and monk Toe‐eun’s epilogue, the achievements of Cho Eom are repeated. It is in contact with the forced labor imposed on Beomeosa, and one of the things to look out for is about paper producing forced labor. It is the most unfair phenomenon because it is mentioned four times with specific amounts, and it is supported by the remains of the cultural assets used in the making of paper (Busan Bomasa Mokjo (釜山 梵魚寺 木槽): a pipe made of wood in Beomeosa Temple (1757)). In addition, monk Lim Chu recorded at the end of this book is presumed to have a clear perception of Joseon Tongsinsain the temple, writing about Cho Eom's Gyemi Dispatch (癸未通信使行) in 1763. Yeongsadanji began writing in early July 1808, and finished its production ranging from the actual ritual space to monument in early winter of the year. In the upper right corner of the front cover, Dongrae bu ritual, which is written in ink, shows that it is written in the format of Euigwe (ritual protocol), demonstrating that it is the book that contains the Confucian ritual ceremony held in Buddhist temples.


부산 금정구 범어사는 동래부사 조엄(趙曮, 1719~1777)의 제사를 주목적으로 하여 1808년 󰡔영사단지(永思壇誌)󰡕를 간행하고 같은 해에 그를 기리는 제단과 불망비를 세웠다. 다만 이 문헌은 조선후기 불교사찰에서 거행된 유교 제향 의식집(祭享儀式集)이라는 단순한 개념을 넘어서는 자료이다. 19세기 초 조선승려의 시각으로 바라 본 사찰경제의 실태는 물론이고 조엄의 조선통신사 수행 활동마저 기록하고 있기 때문이다. 본 고찰은 범어사 성보박물관에 소장된 『영사단지』를 처음으로 분석하여, 그에 나타난 내용을 통하여 조선후기 범어사의 단편적 역사를 새롭게 조명하는 글이다.


Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 『영사단지』의 내용과 특색
Ⅲ. 『영사단지』의 성격
Ⅳ. 맺음말


  • 이정은 Lee, Jeong-eun. 국립해양박물관 선임 학예연구사.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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