

Culture Convergence (CC)

A Comparative Study of Peer-driven and Task-driven on Reading Training




One difficulty in language learning is the training of reading ability. The improvement on this ability directly affects the process and effect of language learning. At the same time, there are numerous difficulties in actual learning and teaching. Depending on current research, there is two ideas that can utilize to enhance the reading efficiency of learners. One is to amend objective factors; the other is to change subjective factors. Compared with the two ideas, idiosyncratic factors are more manipulable and controllable, so it is more valuable to conduct researches on this. But among the many subjective factors, the degree of their effectiveness is not the same, so this article attempts to compare and analyze the driving effects of two important subjective factors (peer-driven and task-driven) on reading performance. The results show that both factors can have a positive impact on reading comprehension, but different in driving effects. The task-driven has obvious shortterm effectiveness; while peer-driven needs to establish its long-term effect on the basis of early coordination and cooperation among team members. Therefore, in order to maximize the achievement of learning, it is necessary to combine strengths and avoid weaknesses according to the characteristics of two factors, so as to help learners improve reading ability most efficiently.


1. Introduction
2. Background
3. Methodology
3.1 Research Problem
3.2 Participants
3.3 Design
3.4 Procedure
4. Results and Discussion
5. Conclusion


  • Derong Luo Yunnan Minzu University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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