

Culture Convergence (CC)

The Relationship between the Types of Stress Coping and Life Goals for College Freshmen




This study was a descriptive cross-sectional study using questionnaire that analyzed the relationship between stress coping types and life goals in the freshmen. The study period lasted from May 1, 2020 to May 20, 2020. A total of 282 people participated in the study, with freshmen enrolled in C and J provinces. The collected data were analyzed frequency, t-test, multiple regression, and Pearson correlation using SPSS 18.0. As a result, the passive(r=.202, p<0.05), aggressive(r=.243, p<0.05), Supportive(r=.255, p<0.01) and active stress coping types(r=.410, p<0.01) were correlated with achieve oriented life goal. And Supportive(r=.383, p<0.01), Active stress coping types(r=.497, p<0.01) were correlated with life oriented goal. According to gender, men (Mean 1.87, SD=0.62) had higher aggressive stress coping types than women (Mean=1.54, SD=0.52) (t=4.202, p=.000). People with achieve oriented life goals were found to have an effect on passive (t=7.176, p<0.01), aggressive (t=1.974, p<0.05) and evasive stress coping types (t=4.207, p<0.01). People with life oriented life goals were found to have ab effect on passive (t=6.331, p<0.01)), active stress coping types (t=2.101, p<0.05). In addition, passive (t=2.946, p<0.01), aggressive (t=4.067, p<0.01) and evasive stress coping types (t=2.624, p<0.01) affected achieve oriented goals, supportive stress coping types (t=5.438, p<0.01) affected the life oriented life goal, and active stress coping type affected on both achieve (t=4.061, p<0.01) and life oriented life goal (t=6.905, p<0.01).


2. Research Methods
2.1 Research Design
2.2. Research tools
3.1. General Characteristics of Participants
3.2 Correlation between Stress Coping Type and Life Goal
3.3. Stress Coping Type Difference according to Gender
3.4. The Effect of Stress Coping Types on Achievement-oriented Life Goals
3.5. The Effect of Stress Coping Types on Life-oriented Goals
3.6. The Effect of Life goals on the type of Stress Coping
4. Conclusion


  • Jungae Kim Assistant Professor, Department of Nursing, Chodang University, Korea


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