

Culture Convergence (CC)

The Effect of Professor's Individualized Consideration on the Personal Growth of Chinese Students Study Abroad in Korea : The Moderating Effect of Perceived School Support




In general, members of an organization want their own growth and development. As these members grow or develop, they feel satisfied and fulfilled in the process. Growth or development can motivate members to become more involved in their jobs. Therefore, these concepts are very important for organizations as well as individual members. Various elements of the organization affect the growth of its members. Leaders influence members to achieve organizational goals. Leaders can therefore be an important variable influencing the growth of members. Specific leadership informally develops the potential to identify and satisfy members' personal needs and to achieve higher performance. These leader behaviors motivate members and drive their growth. Thus, this leadership will have a significant impact on the growth of members. In addition, in this relationship, if members have perceived organizational support, they can further improve their expectations for growth. Therefore, support from leaders and organizations will have a positive impact on employee growth. This study highlights the importance of the growth of members of the organization. It demonstrates the moderating effects of leader's individualized consideration and perceived organizational support necessary elements for member growth. Through this process, the purpose and significance of the study are to identify the variables that affect the personal growth of members and explain how they can grow.


1. Introduction
2. Literature review
2.1 Individualized consideration
2.2. Personal growth
2.3 Individualized consideration and personal growth
2.4 Perceived school support and personal growth
2.5 Moderating effects of perceived school support
3. Research design
4. Empirical Analysis
4.1 Demographic analysis
4.2 Exploratory factor analysis and Reliability
4.3 Descriptive statistic and correlation analysis
4.4 Regression analysis
5. Conclusion
5.1 Results and Implications
5.2 Limitations of Research and Future Tasks


  • SangWoo Hahm Professor in the Department of Business Administration of Semyung University
  • SiYao Sun Candidate Master in the Department of Business Administration of Soongsil University


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