

Culture Convergence (CC)

Development of electric vehicle maintenance education ability using digital twin technology and VR



In this paper, the maintenance training manual of EV vehicle was produced by utilizing digital twin technology and various sensors such as IR-based light house tracking and head tracker. In addition, through digital twin technology and VR to provide high immersiveness to users, sensory content creation technology was secured through animation and effect realization suitable for EV vehicle maintenance situation. EV vehicle maintenance training manual is 3D engine programming and real-time creation of 3D objects and minimization of screen obstacles and selection of specific menus in virtual space in the form of training simulation. In addition, automatic output from the Head Mount Display (HUD), EV vehicle maintenance and inspection, etc., user can easily operate content was produced. This technology development can enhance immersion to users through implementation of detailed scenarios for maintenance / inspection of EV vehicles" and 3D parts display by procedure, realization of animations and effects for maintenance situations. Through this study, familiarity with improving the quality of education and safety accidents and correct maintenance process and the experienced person was very helpful in learning how to use equipment naturally and how to maintain EV vehicles.


1. Introduction
2. Related research
2.1 Digital Twin
2.2 3D Virtual Reality Environment
3. Development technique of proposed electric vehicle maintenance education content
3.1 Content planning and system structure design
3.2 Software
3.3 VR Interactive System Production Tool
4. Implementation
4.1 Object 3D scanning of electric vehicles
4.2 Frame of the Electric Vehicle and Exterior form of 3D Modeling
4.3 VR maintenance education development software
4.4 Digital Twin technology applied
4.5 Result


  • Sang-Hyun Lee Assistant Professor, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Honam University, Korea
  • Byeong-Soo Jung Professor, Dept. of Information Technology Engineering, Nambu University, Korea


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