

문제중심학습의 영어구문법 교육 : 강의와 학생 팀별 학습에 대한 실험 연구


Teaching English Syntax in Ways to Apply PBL : An Experimental Research on Lecture and Team Learning


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Teaching English syntax that a “creative problem-solving process” is necessary should first be done by examining inductive data. Learners develop assumptions and present real problems and work together to find and provide a better solutions. What this course seeks is to raise questions about the incomplete, insufficient, or disproportionate information and redefine the problems, which shows that it is significant to apply problem based learning (PBL). Seventy students who took the class of English syntax participated in this research. The English syntax class is divided into non-PBL Class 1 consisting of 26 students and PBL Class 2 consisting of 34 students. The test class was not known to the students in advance. “Understanding English Linguistics” open to the sophomore year is a required subject for taking this course. The total of 8 transfer students who were evenly distributed into the two classes did not take the compulsory subject. We need to note that the scores of the lecture evaluation and the test of the PBL class are both higher than those of the lecture evaluation and the test of the non-PBL class. The application of PBL has affected students’ satisfaction with their lectures, which has been reflected back to an improvement in their examination.


I. 서론
II. 창의적 문제 해결 수업의 선행 연구 검토
III. 연구방법
1. 강의 방법
2. 창의적 문제 해결 과정
3. 영어구문법 강의의 사례
IV. 문제중심학습의 강의
1. 사전계획단계: 체크리스트 확인과 교수-학습 지도안 작성
2. 문제해결단계
3. 평가와 성찰
4. 학생과 교수자 성찰
V. 연구결과
1. 강의평가 분석
2. 성취도 분석
3. 강의평가 결과와 성취도 간의 관계 분석
VI. 결론
Works Cited
별첨 1: 문제중심학습의 교수-학습지도안(약식)
별첨 2: 2019학년도 제2학기 영어구문법 기말고사 시험 내용(모범 답안 포함)
별첨 3: 1반과 2반의 성취도 비교․분석 결과


  • 이두원 Lee, Doo-Won. 한국교통대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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