


근대 지식의 전파와 확산에 대한 고찰 - 송헌석(宋憲奭)의 생애와 저술을 중심으로 -


A Study on the Transmission and Spread of Modern Knowledge - Focusing on Song Heon-seok's life and writing -

주현희, 채영희

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This article considers the aspects of East Asian knowledge acceptance and dissemination surrounding Korea in the modern era through Song Heon-Seok's life and his writings. The modern period was a time of overflowing with various new culture and knowledge brought in from the West. These new culture, knowledge and new values, was unfamiliar for modern Koreans, but that have broken away from traditional values and brought about a shift in modern thinking. New knowledge that was introduced through books published in large quantities during the period also played a part in this shift of Korean thinking and transition to the modern period. In this article, we looked at the aspects of the inflow and propagation of new knowledge through the publication and educational activities of Song Heon-seok, how it was introduced, reproduced and diffused by his hands. We also considers how the new knowledge and new culture influenced the changing consciousness of Koreans during the modern era. He wrote a heroic novel about a historical figure to enhance the pride of the Korean people, while ostensibly taking a friendly attitude toward the Japanese, in order to pass the censorship of the Japanese colonists, which became strict amid the Japanese colonial rule. Meanwhile, his Japanese-language study book for Koreans seems to have not only served as a language study book aimed at acquiring language ability but also served as a function of disseminating and modern knowledge that contains a variety of new knowledge of Western medicine, science and geography. He adopted various grammatical knowledge that was introduced through China and Japan in the language study book of Korea, China and Japan. He was also able to see the formation and expansion of his own grammatical system in the process of developing this grammatical knowledge. In addition, he is believed to have actively engaged in the translation of the ancient books, contributions from academic organizations to academic journals and magazines, and as a publisher of magazines.


Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 송헌석(宋憲奭)의 생애
Ⅲ. 송헌석의 저술에 나타난 근대 의식
제1장. 소설 『丙寅洋擾』(1928)에 나타난 근대 의식
제2장. 한국어 학습서에 나타난 근대 의식
제3장. 일본어 학습서에 나타난 근대 지식
제4장. 중국어 학습서에 나타난 근대 지식
Ⅳ. 맺음말


  • 주현희 Ju, Hyeon-Hee. 부경대학교 해양인문학연구소 연구원
  • 채영희 Chae, Young-Hee. 부경대학교 국어국문학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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