

한글의 문자체계적 특성을 이용한 한글자판 절대배열 설계


Absolute array design of Hangul keyboard using characteristics of Hangul character system


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In addition to Hangul, other languages' keyboards have taken the form of arranging native letters in a frame of English QWERTY format, which is formulated from computer introduction without any exceptions. In the introduction of the keyboard, any country can accept the fact that it had to do so, but it is now possible to recognize that there is such a problem, and It is necessary to improve the standard standard keyboard by devising original input method of only the Korean language keyboard which does not use the Shift key at all. In this study, we first analyze the problem of character arrangement and input method of the standard Hangul two-word keyboard, and propose a solution that completely solves the problem. In addition, it is possible to enter the Korean alphabet, the old Korean alphabet, the upper/lower case letter, and the supplementary symbol directly from the Hangul basic keyboard without modifying the mode by expanding the unique character array and input method of the Korean alphabet.


1. 서론
2. 한글의 문자체계적 특성을 이용한 한글자판 문자배열 원칙 수립
2.1. 한글 음절의 글꼴에서 좌-자음, 우-모음 형태가 우선하는 특성이 있다
2.2. 한글에서는 <자음>이 <모음>에 우선하는 특성이 있다
2.3. 한글 <자음>은 형상적/음성적 가족글자로 뚜렷이 분류되는 특성이 있다
2.4. 한글 <모음>은 형상적/음성적 계열로 뚜렷이 분류되는 특성이 있다
2.5. 한글 모음의 글꼴은 형상적/음성적으로 음-양 대립쌍을 이루는 특성이 있다
2.6. 한글 음절이 연속될 때, 격음~격음(쌍자음) 연접을 회피하는 특성이 있다
3. 한글의 사용빈도, 운지용이성을 고려한 한글자판 절대배열 원칙
3.1. 자판의 왼손/오른손 운지중심키에는 최고 빈도 자음/모음을 배치한다
3.2. 운지 사각구역의 키에는 최저 빈도 자모를 배치한다
3.3. 사용빈도의 차이가 현저한 상위권 자모군을 손가락줄에 배치한다
3.4. 입력효율보다는 한글자모가 질서있게 배열되는 형식을 우선한다
4. 한글자판 절대배열 원칙에 따른 현용 두벌식 표준자판의 개선
4.1. 한글 두벌식 표준자판의 개선안에 적용한 원칙
4.2. 한글 배치방법의 문제점 분석과 그 개선방안
4.3. 표준자판과 개선안의 입력방법 비교
5. 결론
참고 문헌


  • 김구룡 GimGuRyong. 한글·문화세계화추진본부


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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