

Research on Users Willingness to Continuously Purchase Online Music Pay Services


Ziyang Liu, Jiayu Liu

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



By analyzing online music paied services, the purpose of this research is to explore users’ willingness to purchase paid service, to investigate the possibility of their continuous purchase in the future, and to understand users’ needs and preference of the online music service. In this paper, the self-satisfaction, copyright awareness, flow experience and satisfaction of the service are used as independent variables, and users’ continuous-purchase willingness is used as the dependent variable. SPSS 22.0 and AMOS statistical analysis tools are used for empirical research. According to the data analysis results, the research conclusions are: self-satisfaction has a positive impact on satisfaction; copyright awareness does not hold the assumption of satisfaction; flow experience has a positive impact on satisfaction; self-demand has a positive impact on users' intention for continuous-purchase; satisfaction has a positive impact on users' willingness to continues-purchase.


本研究目的是通过对在线音乐付费服务分析,探究用户的购买付费服务意愿及在将 来是否有持续购买的可能性,深入了解用户在使用在线音乐付费服务的需求与用户的使用 习惯。本研究以在线音乐付费服务的自我满足、版权意识、心流体验、满意度为自变量, 用户持续购买意愿为因变量,使用SPSS22.0与AMOS统计分析工具进行实证研究。根据 数据分析结果得出的研究结论为:自我满足对满意度具有正向的影响;版权意识对满意度 的假设不成立;心流体验对满意度具有正向的影响;自我需求对用户持续购买意愿有正向 的影响;满意度对用户持续购买意愿具有正向的影响。


Ⅰ. Research background
Ⅱ. Theoretical basis
1. Online Music Paid Services
2. Self-Demand and Flow Experience
3. Copyright Awareness
4. User Satisfaction, User Continuous Willingness to Purchase
Ⅲ. Research hypothesis and research model
1. Research model
2. Research hypothesis
3. Definition of variable operability
Ⅳ. Data Analysis
1. Reliability test and validity test
2. Correlation analysis
3. Research results
Ⅴ. Conclusion



  • Ziyang Liu Department of Global Business Graduate School Kyonggi University
  • Jiayu Liu Department of Global Business Graduate School Kyonggi University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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