

Session C (일본어), 좌장 : 공병호 교수(오산대학교)

자원봉사활동을 통한 북동아시아에서의 평화와 번영


Peace and prosperity in Northeast Asia through Volunteerism


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Recent times have witnessed a gradual shift in the perspective of volunteering to one where volunteerism is expressed increasingly as a two-way process with benefits generally accruing to the person doing the volunteering, as well as to the person on whose behalf the volunteer act is undertaken. Now we are at the stage to expand the scope of volunteer campaign into global level beyond Korea. We think that active volunteer exchange at private levels is the best way for neighboring countries to pursue common prosperity and realize true global cooperation. Although Korea, Japan and China are sometimes competing or pitted against each other for national interest, we are still near neighbors in historical, cultural and geopolitical aspects. As shown from the disasters like earthquake and tsunami at 5. August last year in Bali, natural disaster is never limited to one country, which implies that neighboring countries as well as all human beings shall help each other. Recently, Northeast Asia is facing a serious diplomatic crisis due to the North Korean nuclear issue. It is a time when a peaceful relationship is required more than ever. In this paper, we discussed how to develop peace and common prosperity of the Northeast Asia, and suggest several solution which based on volunteering.


Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. The Current Scenes of Volunteering in Northeast Asia
Ⅲ. Youth Volunteering
Ⅳ. East Asia Civil Society & Volunteer Forum
1) Background
2) Purpose
3) Progress
4) Expected Effect
Ⅴ. Conclusion
1) Suggestions to Business:
2) Suggestions for Activating North East Asian Youth Volunteering:


  • 이성철 Seong Cheol, Lee. Namseoul University, 대한민국


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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