

Research on the Influence of Chinese New Media on Cross-cultural Communication


Qu Xiu Fei

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



With the development of economic globalization, cross-cultural communication has become the best way to highlight the soft power of national culture. For China, under the background of the vigorous development of cultural industry and the growing support of the international community for the Belt and Road initiative, the pace of globalization in many fields is accelerating, which can be seen from the aspects of society, economy and culture. Under the current situation of spreading Chinese culture throughout the world, the new media created by “Internet plus initiative” has become an ideal carrier of cross-cultural communication and thus plays a vital role. Based on these, this paper combines communication, journalism, psychology and other related knowledge, while adopting literature reading, data analysis, case analysis and other research methods to carry out research. Starting with the general situation of the development of new media and cross-cultural communication, this paper discusses the influence of new media on cross-cultural communication and points out the challenges which are faced in the application of new media. Moreover, the paper discusses the effective ways to develop cross-cultural communication under the help of new media, for the purpose of making contributions to the cause of cross-cultural communication in China by making full use of new media.


Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Development of New Media and Cross-cultural Communication
III. Influence of New Media on Cross-cultural Communication
IV. Challenges Faced by New Media in the Development of Cross-cultural Communication
V. Improving Effective Ways of Developing Cross-cultural Communication via New Media
VI. Conclusion


  • Qu Xiu Fei 군산대학교 중국학 박사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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