

金庸和梁羽生小说中的女性意识对比 —— 以黄蓉和厉胜男为例


A Contrast of Female Consciousness in Louis Cha's and Liang Yusheng's Novels —— Take Huang Rong and Li Shengnan as examples


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The new-style swordsman fiction set off a widespread reading boom in the latter half of the 20th century, while Liang Yusheng and Louis Cha can be said to be the founders and masters of the new-style swordsman fiction. At the same time, their Swordsman Fiction developed on the basis of the old-style swordsman fiction. The female image in the novel is influenced by both traditional culture and the perspective of male chauvinism, as well as by western culture and modernity. The influence reflects Louis Cha's and Liang Yusheng's complex views on women. By comparing the two female images of Huang Rong and Li Shengnan, this paper analyses their origin, personality and behavior, and the relationship between the image of "Little Witch" of Huang Rong and Li Shengnan and the patriarchal society, as well as the feminine consciousness contained therein. Through the interpretation of Huang Rong and Li Shengnan's love and career consciousness, we can understand the logical relationship behind the characters'behavior, deeply analyze the author's female consciousness and view, understand the author's rebellion and return to male power, and provide suggestions for the development of contemporary women's Swordsman Fiction and the creation of female images in male swordsman fiction.


新派武侠小说在20世纪后半期掀起了广泛地阅读热潮,而梁羽生和金庸可以说是新 派武侠小说的开山祖师和集大成者,同时二人的武侠小说是在旧派武侠小说的基础上 发展而来,小说中的女性形象既受传统文化和男权视角的影响,又受到西方文化和现 代性的影响,体现了金庸和梁羽生复杂的女性观。通过对黄蓉和厉胜男这两个女性形 象进行对比,分析二人的出身、性格和行为方式,解析黄蓉和厉胜男二人“小妖女”形 象与男权社会的关系以及其中蕴含的女性意识。并且通过对黄蓉和厉胜男爱情意识和 事业意识的解读,理解人物行为背后的逻辑关系,深层剖析作者的女性意识和女性观 ,理解作家对男权的反叛和回归,为当代女子武侠小说的发展以及男性武侠小说中的 女性形象的塑造提供建议。


Ⅰ. 绪论
Ⅱ. 黄蓉和厉胜男“小妖女”形象的比较研究
Ⅲ. 黄蓉和厉胜男的爱情意识和事业意识比较研究
Ⅵ. 梁羽生和金庸小说中女性意识的拓展
Ⅴ. 结语


  • 安东 안동. 國立群山大学 中国学系 博士课程


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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