


Overview of Buddhist Environmental Movements for Deforestation Issues in Thailand : Based on Reports on 1980s to early 2000s


Hoyon Lee

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The philosophies and moral motives presented in Buddhist teachings relates to the spirit of ecological mentalities. The responsibilities of Buddhist monks in alleviating the sufferings in human world also regards to the natural environments. Contemporary Buddhist settings, especially in Thailand, have increase interest in heightening the awareness and activities for eco-centric movements. Noticeable from the late eighties, the ecologically-active monks have been characterized to engage in conservation projects for the protection of local forests and the interests of forest occupants. Active participations and interactions with the state-industrial powers play dominant role in this type of movement. In this paper, details of how socially-active groups contribute to the efficacy of the environmental conservation in the settings with immense deforestation impacts. Infomation detailing the emergence of ecological movements in Thailand and the defining concept of Educative-Activism play a role in introducing the traits and the settings of Buddhist Monks. Throughout the paper, Buddhist-based strategies of tree ordination will be presented and be discussed to indicate its contribution to establishing reforestation and limit deforestation. How this and its related measures tie into the governmentally-claimed of forest increase in the period of 2000s will be explored throughout this study.


1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
1) Emergence of Ecological Actions in Thailand
2) Educative-Activism
3. Case Introduction
4. Methodology
5. The Dynamics Behind the Ecological Buddhist Monks
1) Rituals and Ceremonies for Tree Conservation
2) Collaborating Effects of Buddhist Ecology
3) Challenges behind Buddhist-Centric Eco-Movements
6. Conclusion


  • Hoyon Lee 서울대학교 지리학과 석사과정(Master’s Student of Geography, Seoul National University)


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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