The object of this study was basketball after school programs, middle school students participating in sentiment about the affects for the purpose and satisfaction. Object of study, The study in North Gyeongsang Province and Daegu is the target of 250 participating middle school student in the basketball after school programs, and all time. The questionnaire is by dishonest, and response with the exception of 13 copies and distributed 250 copies of the 237 final, but used copies. Result, First, meaning difference in satisfaction and sentiment in the school year didn't show up. Second, the satisfaction according to the lower number of factors involved in significant difference in configuration, self-improvement classes, programs appeared. Significant difference in lower emotional factor in negative sentiment appeared. Third, factor lower satisfaction over time take part in significant difference in his development appeared. Significant difference in lower emotional factor in negative sentiment appeared. Fourth, significant difference in satisfaction due to lower incentive factors involved in his development appeared. Significant difference in the emotional factor in negative sentiment appeared. Fifth, learn to play basketball experience satisfaction factors in facilities according to the environment, configuration, self-improvement classes, programs, significant differences in parents appeared. Significant difference in lower emotional factor in negative sentiment appeared. Sixth, the leader, player experience factor lower satisfaction with self development, facility and environment, in significant difference in the program appeared. Significant difference in the emotional factor in negative sentiment appeared. Seventh, the leader of self development, satisfaction in the lower factors of the facility and environment, according to the career guidance programs, significant difference in my parents appeared. Significant difference in sentiment doesn't appear. Eighth, Facility and environment and other factors lower satisfaction according to the athletic program participation status, class configuration, significant difference in his development appeared. Significant difference in the positive effect of emotional factors appeared. Ninth, Participation event is significant difference in satisfaction according and other athletic program didn't show up. Significant difference in sentiment doesn't appear.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 연구 방법
1. 연구 대상
2. 조사 도구
3. 연구절차
4. 자료처리
Ⅲ. 연구 결과
1. 학년에 따른 만족도 및 정서
2. 참여 횟수에 따른 만족도 및 정서
3. 참여 시간에 따른 만족도 및 정서
4. 참여 동기에 따른 만족도 및 정서
5. 농구를 배운 경험에 따른 만족도 및 정서
6. 지도자 선수경험에 따른 만족도 및 정서
7. 지도자 지도경력에 따른 만족도 및 정서
8. 기타 체육프로그램 참여유무에 따른 만족도 및 정서
9. 만족도 및 정서 상관관계분석
Ⅳ. 논의
1. 중학생들의 학년에 따른 만족도와 정서
2. 참여 횟수에 따른 만족도와 정서
3. 참여 시간에 따른 만족도와 정서
4. 참여 동기에 따른 만족도와 정서
5. 농구를 배운 경험에 따른 만족도와 정서
6. 지도자 선수경험에 따른 만족도와 정서
7. 지도자 지도경력에 따른 만족도와 정서
8. 기타 체육프로그램 참여유무에 따른 만족도와 정서
9. 만족도 및 정서 상관관계분석
Ⅴ. 결론 및 제언
1. 결론
2. 제언