A Possibility of Historical Practice and Transnational Civil Public Sphere between Local Cities of Japan and Korea - Through a Case of Cultural Events of Chosen-Tsushinshi -
The purpose of this research is to consider the formation and function of Chosen-Tsushinshi cultural projects ,a cross-border citizen network constructed through cultural events interaction. In particular, this paper examines the activities and roles of two civic organizations that are central actors, The Liaison Council of All Places Associated with Chosen Tsushinshi (朝鮮通信使縁地連絡協議会) and Busan Cultural Foundation, and it clarifies the process of formation of the public sphere in their activities and exchange projects. Furthermore, this will pay special attention to the Memory of the World registration and promotion project, which is a remarkable joint effort in 2017, to reveal how this transnational public sphere has been the living space of citizens from Japan and Korea, even under serious conflict between those nations. Through the Chosen-Tsushinshi cultural project, various actors have been trying to achieve regional revitalization and international exchange by reproducing the history of Chosen-Tsushinshi, a period that goes back to Tokugawa government and Chosen dynasty. This, wide exchange network and open-communication place was originally developed to hold various kind of cultural events, but now it. And they shared the common history related to Chosen-Tsushinshi as cooperativeness, fostered trust in intimate involvement, and formed a transnational public sphere connected with other groups. Additionally, thanks to the Memory of the World registration project, close communication has been oriented to overcome conflicts between Japan and Korea different regarding about the historical issue. At some point, it has achieved, mutual dialogue, and the transnational solidarity, by means of developing practice in which citizens from both countries have contact between each other, such as government of Japan and Korea. Thus, the cultural events of Chosen-Tsushinshi have acted as a public sphere to evoke a positive discussion to keep friendly relationship between Japan and Korea. In other words, the citizen's activities developed from the local cooperativeness not only include a plurality of actors, but it also coordinates the differences in values and opinions among them, and it suggests a possibility of a new public sphere to overcome national conflict and hatred.
본 논문의 목적은 프레이저의 ‘하위의 대항적 공공권’ 개념을 인용하여, 조선통신사 관련문화사업을 통한 초국가적인 시민네트워크의 형성과 기능을 검토하는 것이다. 1980년대부터 한일우호를 상징하는 문화사업으로서, 양국의 지방도시를 중심으로 조선 통신사의 역사를 재현하는 활동이 전개되어, 그 과정을 통하여 다양한 참가자를 포함한 초국가적인 공공권이 형성되었다. 또한 이러한 네트워크는 한일의 다양한 행위자들이 참가하는 공공권을 형성하고, 조선통신사와 관련된 지역의 역사검증 사업을 통해 종래 의 국가 간 관계가 상대화되어 국경을 넘은 지역 간·시민 간 교류의 중요성과, 자국가중 심적 역사인식을 대신하는 새로운 시각을 제시하는 대항적 언설이 생겼다는 것이 밝혀 졌다. 2017년에는 쓰시마시와 부산시의 시민단체 주체로 조선통신사의 역사자료를 유네스 코 세계기록유산으로 등재했다. 등록준비과정에서는 양국 간의 관계악화와 역사인식문 제 등 한일의 정치적 입장을 배경으로 한 대립이 발생한 경우도 있었다. 그러나 양국의 참 가자가 국경을 초월한 네트워크를 구축하고, 조선통신사가 지니는 역사적 가치와 현대 적 의의를 공유한 것으로 시민 간의 연계를 구축할 수 있었다.
Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 조선통신사 관련문화사업과 네트워크 형성
Ⅲ. 세계기록유산등록과정을 통해 보는 하위의 대항적 공공권의 작용
Ⅳ. 맺음말