

식재료 관심정도와 식생활 만족도에 대한 연구


Consumers' Interest in Food Ingredients and Dietary-Life Satisfaction

김민정, 정유경

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study was to examine the differences in interest in food materials and dietary-life satisfaction by age and region and the impact of consumers' interest in food materials on dietary-life satisfaction. The study analyzed the 2018 household survey jointly conducted by the Korea Rural Economic Institute (KERI) and Micro Mill Embrain. Of 6,578 adult subjects, 3,606 female subjects were used for analysis. This study compared research topics such as interest in locally produced food materials, interest in near-distance produced food materials and interest in eco-friendly foods materials by age and region. In addition, the study analyzed the influential relationships of dietary-life satisfaction with interest in local food materials, near-distance food materials, and eco-friendly foods materials as well. Comparative results in terms of age and region included differences in interest in local food, near-distance food, and eco-friendly food materials. The influential relationship of interest in local food materials, near-distance materials, eco-friendly food materials on dietary-life satisfaction exhibited a significant difference at p<0.05 level. The result of this study indicates that the trusty of food materials could be used as useful marketing information through the effect of female consumer's interest in food materials on dietary satisfaction.


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경
1. 식재료 관심정도
2. 식생활 만족도
III. 연구설계
1. 분석자료 선정과 특징
2. 식재료 관심정도와 식생활 만족도의 조작적 정의
3. 연구과제
4. 분석방법
IV. 성과분석
1. 인구통계학적 특성
2. 연구과제 1: 식재료 관심정도의 연령별, 지역별 비교
3. 연구과제 2: 식생활 만족도의 연령별, 지역별 비교
4. 연구과제 3: 식재료 관심정도와 식생활 만족도의 영향관계
Ⅴ. 결론


  • 김민정 Minjung Kim. 세종대학교 외식경영학 박사
  • 정유경 Yukyeong Chong. 세종대학교 호텔관광대학 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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