Interpreter Training in a Post-Human World : A Techne-Humanities Approach.
Cutting-edge technologies are propelling us beyond the old human limits, ushering us into a post-human era. Over the past couple of years, there has been a surge of research on educational transformation through a post-human lens, as the emerging era requires students to acquire a new set of work-ready skills. As the rise of AI-powered T&I tools poses a series of unique challenges for translators and interpreters, T&I programs also need to prepare the students for any changes that might occur in the work environment. Against this backdrop, this paper attempts to identify future developments in a post-human era and proposes future directions for the curriculum so that it caters to the changing market demands. The concept of techne-humanities is explored to look at how the understanding of technology and humanities can help future interpreters develop strong competencies in the new age. Potential implications for educational practice and issues for consideration are discussed.
1. 서론
2. 포스트휴먼 시대의 특징과 통역 교육 현황
2.1. 포스트휴먼 시대와 전문직의 위기
2.2. 국내 통번역대학원 통역 교육 현황
3. 통역 교육과 테크네인문학의 접목
3.1. 테크네인문학이란
3.2. 통역 교육에서의 테크네인문학 활용 방안
3.3. 통번역대학원의 역할
4. 결론