

처격조사 ‘에’, ‘에서’의 사용 양상 고찰 - 한국어 문법 교육을 중심으로 -


A Study on the Uses of Locative Case Markers ‘-e(에)’ and ‘-eseo(에서)’ : Focusing on the Korean Grammar Education.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



It is difficult for a Korean language learner to understand the difference between the use of locative case markers ‘-e(에)’ and ‘-eseo(에서)’ in most cases, when used as the meaning of ‘place, scope,’ and so on. In general, it is likely that most learners have been taught that ‘-e(에)’ is combined with a static verb and ‘-eseo(에서)’ is combined with a dynamic verb during the early stage of second language acquisition. However, in practice, this kind of ‘selectional restriction’ is not effective in distinguishing ‘-e(에)’ from ‘-eseo(에서)’, especially when the predicate is an adjective or an intransitive verb. This study suggests that educators should avoid the traditional way of distinction, which is centered on predicates, and encourages the teachers of Korean to provide learners with information about the differences in ‘subtle nuances’ of the two locative case markers, focusing on the perspective of the deep semantic structure of the sentence and the semantic elements(meaning of the context,the spatial meaning of the previous noun phrase, time semanteme). The semantic map model, which is a useful tool for inducing the implicative universality of language types, is an effective way to help teachers grasp the difference between the learner's native language and the target language from a cognitive point of view before they conduct a multi-national Korean lesson.


1. 서론
2. ‘에’, ‘에서’의 선택조건에 대한 분석
2.1 문장구조와 의미
2.2 NP의 공간 성질에 따른 선택 제한
2.3 시간 차원에서의 의미
3. ‘에’, ‘에서’의 교체 현상
4. 한국어교육에서의 적용-의미지도의 활용
6. 결론


  • 진신 Chen, Chen. 한국외국어대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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