


실버세대 여성의 헤어스타일 제작 연구


A Study on the Production of the Silver Generation Women's Hair Style

신유미, 도주연

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study attempted to investigate youthful and stylish hairstyles which are good for silver-generation women in consideration of their trendy hairstyles. For this, previous studies on their hairstyles and other data such as the Internet and magazines were analyzed. Based on such theoretical research, this study targeted to create hairstyles (cut, colored, perm) for 5 silver women and produce silver hairstyles, using different hair services: cut (medium, bob, layered), colored (dark, orange, natural), perm (regular wave, set wave, volume wave). To make up for changes in facial shape and thin and flat hair resulting from aging, a short hairstyle which gives volume with natural layers on the side and top and forms a simple and neat image is created. A medium haircut makes women look younger without volume or elegant and womanly with volume. A bob style can give maximum volume to the back and top so that it can be the best option for silver-generation women. In overall, diverse images can be produced by hair length, and neat and stylish styles are created. Short-layered haircuts can also give volume and are popular among silver-generation women with thin hair and less volume. They produce active and fresh images. In terms of colored hairstyles, red/natural color was mostly preferred. In permanent wave, light/heavy wave or voluminous perm was popular.


鉴于银发族女性流行发型,为了了解适合银发族女性的年轻时尚发型,本文通过借鉴先行研究成果以 及收集分析网络和杂志等媒体上的相关资料,梳理了理论研究。在这一基础上,尝试给5名银发族女性制 作发型(剪发、染发、卷发)的同时,利用剪发(中长发、波波头、有层次感的碎发)、染发(黑色、橙色、 自然色)、卷发(普通卷、定制卷、波浪卷)三种发型设计方法,呈现出各具特色的银发族发型风格。精 炼端庄的短发发型,不仅可以解救因衰老发生变化的脸型以及头发稀疏细软问题,而且还使头部两侧和 顶部富有层次感,头发看起来更加丰满。中长发发型,如果没有卷发,看起来会更年轻,如果卷发,则看起 来更加优雅,富有女人味。波波头是一款最适合银发族女性的发型,可以使后脑和额头部分看起来十分 丰满。另外,根据头发不同的长度,也可以呈现出不同风格的形象,而且看起来更加端庄成熟。看起来十 分清爽且富有朝气的短发发型也可以使头发非常丰满,而且不受发量多少限制,是银发族女性最常见的 发型。银发族女性普遍喜欢的染发颜色为红色或自然色。银发族女性常见的卷发风格则有细卷、粗卷 或立体卷等。


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경
1. 실버세대 여성의 개념과 특성
2. 실버세대여성의 헤어스타일에 관한 연구
Ⅲ. 실버세대 여성의 헤어스타일 제작 연구
1. 커트
2. 컬러
3. 퍼머넌트
Ⅳ. 실버세대 여성의 헤어스타일 고찰
Ⅴ. 결론


  • 신유미 Yu Mi Shin. 영산대학교 미용예술대학원 대학원생
  • 도주연 Ju Yeon Do. 영산대학교 Art&tech대학 미용예술학과 부교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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