


직업훈련학교 미용취업준비 여성훈련생의 진로준비행동이 취업관심도와 교육만족도에 미치는 영향


The Effects of Career Preparedness Behavior on Interest in Employment and Satisfaction with Training Programs in Female Students from Vocational School Seeking Cosmetology Jobs

이은아, 김경환, 황인철, 권태일

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study investigated the effects of career preparedness behavior on interest in employment and satisfaction with cosmetology education among female students in their 20-50s getting cosmetology training at vocational schools. In terms their age, educational background and marital status, ’25 or younger (21.9%)’, ‘high school graduates or below (56.2%)’ and ‘married (39.0%)’ were the highest, respectively. In their satisfaction with cosmetology education, no statistically significant difference was found by age, educational background or marital status, but the proportion of positive responses was high. In the influence of interest in employment on satisfaction with cosmetology education, motivators and satisfaction with educational services were found. Regarding the influence of interest in employment and satisfaction with cosmetology education on career preparedness behavior, satisfaction with educational services and motivators revealed a statistically significant difference. As their satisfaction with educational services (educational level and environments) increased, influence on career preparedness behavior was the largest. Based on the above results, there should be further analysis of influence on students’ satisfaction with cosmetology training programs at vocational schools. It would also be required to develop a scientific system along with more systematic education for qualitative growth and development.


本文以面临就业困难的20~59岁女性培训生为调查对象,在为从事美容行业而接受美容教育培训过 程中,针对就业关注度因素对美容培训满意度和职业生涯规划行为产生的影响进行了调查研究。2015 年9月17日~9月21日期间,针对在位于釜山广域市的S职业培训学校接受美容教育的20~59岁女性培训 生进行了问卷调查。收集的150份问卷调查表中,作费因未如实解答相关问题的4份调查表,对146份有 效问卷调查表进行了分析。分析结果显示,参与问卷调查的应答者中25岁以下年龄段(21.9%)、高中以 下学历(56.2%)、已婚女性(39.0%)所占的比重最高。在美容培训满意度方面,不同年龄段、学历、婚 姻情况因素并没有呈现出具有意义的统计差异,但在不同培训领域则对美容培训满意度和教育课程满 意度呈现值得关注的差异。就业关注度因素对教育服务满意度、教育课程满意度、讲师满意度产生的 影响呈现为自信因素,而就业关注度因素对教育满意度产生的影响分为激发动机的因素和教育服务满 意度。就业关注度因素和美容教育满意度对职业生涯规划行为产生的影响在教育服务满意度、激发动 机因素方面呈现明显的差异,而且随着对美容教育水平和环境培训满意度提高,对职业生涯规划产生了 最为重要的影响。


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 연구방법
1. 연구 대상 및 자료수집
2. 설문지 구성
3. 자료 분석
Ⅲ. 연구결과
1. 조사대상자의 일반적 특성
2. 진로준비행동의 요인 분석
3. 취업 관심도의 요인 분석
4. 미용교육만족도의 요인 분석
5. 연령에 따른 미용교육만족도의 차이분석
6. 결혼여부에 따른 미용교육만족도의 차이분석
7. 학력별에 따른 미용교육만족도의 차이분석
8. 자아실현적 태도가 취업 관심도와 미용 교육만족도에 미치는 영향
9. 교육 희망적 태도가 취업 관심도와 미용 교육만족도에 미치는 영향
10. 취업지향적 태도가 취업 관심도와 미용 교육만족도에 미치는 영향
11. 교육의존적 태도가 취업 관심도와 미용 교육만족도에 미치는 영향
12. 진로준비행동이 취업 관심도와 미용교육만족도에 미치는 영향
Ⅳ. 고찰
Ⅴ. 결론


  • 이은아 Eun A Lee. 고신대학교 보건대학원 미용보건학 박사과정
  • 김경환 Kyeong hwan Kim. 고신대학교 일반대학원 보건과학 박사과정
  • 황인철 In Chul Hwang. 고신대학교 보건환경학부 교수
  • 권태일 Tae Il Kwon. 고신대학교 보건환경학부 조교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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