


중년여성의 일상스트레스, 우울감, 자아존중감이 삶의 질에 미치는 영향


The Effects of Daily Stress, Depression, and Self-esteem on Quality of Life in Middle-aged Women


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study performed a questionnaire survey among a total of 209 middle-aged women in their 40-65. The data were collected through convenience sampling. With the collected data, the effects of daily stress, depression and self-esteem on quality of life were investigated. For this, t-test, ANOVA and post-hoc test were conducted and correlation analysis was carried out to examine how the above three variables are correlated to each other. In addition, multiple regression analysis was applied to investigate the factors affecting quality of life and the study results found the following: First, daily stress showed a statistically significant correlation with age, marital status, family type, health condition, menopausal status, social activity and religion. Second, in depression, a significant correlation was found with health condition and social activity. Third, self-esteem was correlated with age, marital status, family type, health condition, social activity and religion with statistical significance. Fourth, in quality of life, a statistically significant correlation was observed with age, marital status, income, family type, health condition, social activity and religion. Fifth, quality of life showed a statistically significant correlation with age, marital status, income, family type, health condition, social activity and religion, Sixth, in correlations among the quality of life, depress, self-esteem and daily stress, quality of life was higher as daily stress and self-esteem increased while depression was lower. This study has confirmed that daily stress, depression and self-esteem have an influence on the quality of life in middle-aged women. Further studies are needed on the development of a more structured model with the factors affecting the quality of life in middle-aged women.


本论文面向209名40周岁至65周岁的中年女性,利用结构化问卷,以方便抽样方式收集了调查问卷。 为了从收集的资料中了解生活压力、忧郁感、自尊感对生活质量产生的影响以及掌握基于一般特性的 生活压力、忧郁感、自尊感和生活质量之间的差异,进行了t-test、ANOVA和事后验证。另外,为了掌 握三个变数之间的关联性和对生活质量产生的影响,分别进行了相关分析和多重回归分析。经分析得 出的三个研究结论如下。第一,日常压力和年龄、结婚、家庭形式、健康状态、绝经与否、社会活动、 宗教等有着一定的关联性。第二,与忧郁感有关联性的因素有健康状态、社会活动等因素。第三,同自 尊感有关联性的因素则有年龄、结婚、收入、家庭形式、健康状态、社会活动、宗教等。第四,在生活 质量方面表现出一定关联性的因素有年龄、结婚、收入、家庭形式、健康状态、社会活动、宗教等。 第五,与生活质量水平有关联性的因素有年龄、结婚、收入、家庭形式、健康状态、社会活动、宗教 等。第六,生活质量、忧郁感、自尊感、日常压力之间的相关关系呈现出日常压力大、忧郁感程度低、 自尊感越高,生活质量就越高。由此可以确认,生活压力、忧郁感、自尊感等分别对中年女性的生活质 量都产生影响,但相比这些影响中年女性生活质量的因素,笔者认为日后应重点研究结构化建模。


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 연구방법
1. 연구대상 및 기간
2. 연구목적
3. 연구도구
4. 자료처리 및 분석방법
Ⅲ. 연구결과
1. 중년여성의 일반적 특성
2. 중년여성의 일상스트레스, 우울감, 자아존중감, 삶의 질 척도점수
3. 중년여성의 일반적 특성에 따른 일상스트레스 정도
4. 중년여성의 일반적 특성에 따른 우울감정도
5. 중년여성의 일반적 특성에 따른 자아존중감 정도
6. 중년여성의 일반적 특성에 따른 삶의 질정도
7. 중년여성의 일상스트레스, 우울감, 자아존중감, 삶의 질 간의 상관관계
8. 중년여성의 일상스트레스, 우울감, 자아존중감이 삶의 질에 미치는 영향요인
Ⅳ. 고찰
Ⅴ. 결론


  • 김광옥 Kwang Ok Kim. 동주대학교 간호학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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