

배려의 관점에서 이해한 자연의 교육적 개념 - 노자의 [도덕경]을 중심으로


Educational Concepts of Nature for Caring - Centering on Lao-Tzu's Taoteching


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Nature not coming old or boring is the principle of interdependence and
intimate relation in the world. The essence of nature is flexible, wary but
yielding, positive and changing everlasting.
Nature as inaction is a principle that things will come right of themselves
through the instruction without words, reducing selfishness, having few
desires, sparing of speech and working silently. Inaction is to teach taking
few words, not to choose to give a particular name to her or his style of
educating students and to learn to follow first so as to lead. Nature as
model is the attitude free from self-display, self-assertion and
self-exaltation. The paragon of mankind is mighter still to overcome
himself and is enlightened to know himself and makes loneliness to put
himself below his foundation. Also that means to be bold, not to be
indulged in excess, liberal, and become a leader among men by the practice
of gentleness, frugality, humility.
Education based on caring with empathy is needed to balance with that
based on justice with intelligence. Education includes actions and influences
based on reason and logic as well as those based on inspiration and
passion. Because imbalance leads to a loss of energy and empowerment.
Natural education on caring is to help seeking the best in themselves, to be
saved the dissension of competition and to motivate deep & lasting learning
of students as well as to encourage active participation by them.
Nature is a power of holistic influence with mutual dependence shared
among all members of a group. So I want to emphasize the relatedness of
teachers and students. I propose that teacher of caring and serving is the
natural person with tranquility. Tranquility is more important than
perfection. Teacher of nature understand that silence is a virtue. And he as
carer does not think of self and not be authoritarian, and follows the middle
road. The wise teacher learns to work in effortless ways, doing things that
come without stress. From the Tao I comprehend that teacher succeeds
with encouragement, not prohibitions, because every restriction can be met
with resistance. Especially teachers to practice Education of caring must to
take notice that a human failing is favoritism. Education of caring does not
survive where there is suspicion, fear, compulsion, luxury, arrogance.
I think that revolutionary education as breaking models and working
against the odds, challenging assumptions is needed as well as caring of
love, gentleness, respect. I believe that real education of nature on caring
comes from valuing what is small and negative, and mild or gentle and
requires dedication and patience.


본 논문은 배려 관점에서 [도덕경]을 중심으로 자연의 교육적 개념을 밝히는 것이 그
목적이다. 이를 위해서 자연의 교육적 개념을 추론하였고, 그 내용은 다음과 같다. 배려관
점에서 이해한 자연은 주관적 의미의 자연이다. 주관적 자연은 관념적․내부적․심리적․
원리적 자연을 말한다. “배려 관점에서 본 자연은 어떻게 정의될 수 있는가?”에 대한 􋺷도덕
경􋺸에 나타난 교육학적 답변은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 무위로서의 자연은 소유, 간섭, 지배하지
않음을 의미하며 유무, 난이, 생사, 장단, 고하, 음성, 전후, 행수 등의 반대되는 것들의 차
이점과 관계성을 고려하는 것이다. 또한 행위로서의 자연은 불언․귀언․희언을 뜻하며, 소
박함을 견지하고 사욕을 줄이는 비인위적 행위를 의미한다. 둘째, 영향력으로서의 자연은
허정․수중을 바탕으로 권한과 힘을 나눠 주면서 긍정적 시너지효과를 내며, 다투지 않으
면서 이기며 여유있게 일을 도모하는 힘이다. 이러한 자연은 말을 침묵으로 옮기고, 동을
정으로 옮기는 것으로 실천된다. 영향력으로서의 자연은 세계의 변화과정을 꿰뚫어 보는
미명에서 생겨나며, 경쟁 상대를 배척하지 않고 촉진시켜줌으로써 포섭하는 배려의 능력이
다. 셋째, 모델로서의 자연은 고요하고 무거우면서도 민첩하며 신중함을 뜻한다. 이러한 모
델로서의 자연은 인자함, 검소함, 천하에 앞서지 않는 겸허함으로 실천되는 것이다.


 배려 관점과 도덕경에서의 자연
 자연의 교육적 개념
  무위적 행위로서의 자연
  허정의 영향력으로서의 자연
  도덕적 모델로서의 자연
 논의와 제언


  • 김수동 Soodong Kim. 숙명여자대학교 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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