

지방자치단체 인적자원개발리더의 역할과 역량모델의 개발


Development of the Roles and Competency Model needed for HRD Leader in Local Governments


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Regional human resource development(RHRD) has been seen by local autonomous governments as the key to reforming the regional human resources structure and to strengthening the competencies needed to implement regional economy. However, given that this drive to RHRD is still in its infancy, their outcomes are still low and insufficient compared
with their ideal states. For addressing this problem, this study attempted to identify a leadership model, roles and competencies of local government leaders needed to possess in order to effectively implement RHRD projects in their respective regions.
The research methods employed in this paper included a case study and a survey. The case study consisted of an analysis of interviews with 24 managers and specialists from the human resources departments of 12 local autonomous governments, as well as the analysis of other related materials. With regards to the survey, the results of 175 completed surveys, which had originally been sent out to 248 local autonomous governments, were analyzed. A standard RHRD leadership model was developed in accordance with literature review and the results of the case study. This model consisted of internal roles and external roles in terms of policy planning, implementing and coordinating, and diffusing processes and 6 competency clusters which were consisted of 30 competencies, and 6 types of RHRD outcomes. This survey found that RHRD leaders has adequately carried out the following roles: the sustained implementation of changes and reforms, establishment of a vision and strategy for the development of human resources, and the establishment of policy plans, construction of cooperative linkage systems. On the other hand, their roles to foster the development of human resources and monitoring of the implementation of RHRD policy measures, securing of the HR experts, and the construction of the necessary infrastructure were found to be wanting. However, both leadership groups recognized the importance of carrying out these tasks in the future. As far as the competencies that are required by the leaders to implement the job tasks related to the development of human resources are concerned, the present leadership group was found to score highest in the leadership competency cluster, which includes such competencies as sincerity and communication skills. The second highest scoring cluster was the result-oriented competency one, which includes such competencies as customer service, decision-making ability, and problem solving ability. Meanwhile, while the present leadership group scored very low in terms of competencies related to human resources development specialization, they also tended to regard this cluster as being less important. There is a need to adapt this model, roles, and competencies to strengthen RHRD and leadership competencies to the prevailing conditions
of individual local governments.


지역인적자원개발의 지역균형발전과 지역혁신의 근간이라는 인식이 확대됨에 따라 이를 핵심정책으로 추진하는 지방자치단체가 늘어나고 있지만 인적자원개발의 성과는 아직까지 미흡한 것으로 나타났다 이런 문제를 해결하기 위해서는 무엇보다도 지역인적자원개발 . 정책결정자의 효과적인 리더십이 요구되지만 이에 대한 선행 연구나 우수사례가 많지 않아 인적자원개발 리더십의 발휘에 어려움이 따르고 있다. 이를 위하여 본 연구에서는 문헌분석과 사례연구를 통하여 인적자원개발 리더십 모형을 탐색하였고 이에 따른 리더십 역할과 역량의 현재 수준을 설문조사를 통하여 탐색하였다. 개발된 리더십 모델은 대외적․대내적 리더십에 근거하여 정책기획, 집행․조정, 확산의 세부영역 역할과 변화관리, 경영관리, 관계관리, 결과주도, 사람주도, 인적자원개발 전문성의 6가지의 역량군의 총 30가지 역량과 6가지 성과로 구성되어 있다. 현재, 지방자치단체에서는 대내적으로는 지속적 변화와 개혁추진, 인적자원개발 전략수립, 정책계획 수립과 대외적으로는 외부협력 및 연계체제 구축의 역할을 높게 수행하고 있는 것으로 나타났지만 자원 확보나 인프라 구축은 미흡하게 추진한 것으로 나타났다. 역량은 사람주도역량군과 결과주도 역량군을 높게 보유한 것으로 나타났으나 인적자원개발 전문성 역량은 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 향후 지방자치단체의 인적자원개발 리더십의 훈련에는 대외적 협력역할과 인적자원개발 전문성 역량을 강화할 필요가 있다.


 지방자치단체 인적자원개발 리더십의 의미
  지방자치단체 인적자원개발의 의미와 목표
  인적자원개발 리더십의 의미
 인적자원개발 리더십의 역할과 역량, 성과
  인적자원개발 리더의 역할
  인적자원개발 리더에게 요구되는 역량
  인적자원개발 리더십의 성과
  조사의 설계
  설문조사 도구의 설계
  측정의 타당도 분석
 조사의 결과
  사례조사의 결과
  설문조사의 결과
 요약 및 결론


  • 주용국 Yong-kook Joo. 경성대학교 교육학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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