


저소음형 축류 팬 개발을 위한 수치해석 연구PartⅡ : 팬의 주파수 별 음압 분포


Numerical Study on Development of Low Noise Axial FanPartⅡ : Sound Pressure Level Distribution for Frequency of Fan

남현택, 전유선, 김진택, 이철형, 선광명, 이승로

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



PartI of this paper identified the location and size of the noise sources from the axial flow fans, and partII based on that, identified the magnitude of sound pressure from the case and the blade according to frequency in the range of 2200 Hz to 5000 Hz. The equation of Lighthill was used for calculation. Generally, when measuring noise, the analytical area was extended more than 1m from the outlet of the fan. To eliminate the effects of backflow coming from the rear of the fan, the analytical area was extended a little longer than 1m. From the results of the analysis, high noise occurs in the low frequency area, and the lower noise becomes in the high frequency area. The maximum sound pressure generated in the range of 2000Hz~5000Hz is 65dB at a distance of 1m and 82dB at the outlet of the fan. Noise of the fan mainly occurred around the blade and guide, and the noise decreased as the frequency increased between 2200Hz and 3400Hz, but the noise increased as the frequency increased between 3800Hz and 5000Hz.


1. 서론
2. 수치해석 방법
2.1 수치해석 방법 및 해석 이론
2.2 수치해석 대상 및 격자
2.3 해석 및 경계 조건
3. 수치해석 결과
3.1 팬 내부 압력분포
3.2 팬에서 발생하는 소음의 위치와 크기
4. 결론


  • 남현택 Hyeontaek Nam. Jeonbuk Naional University, Dept. of Mechanical Eng.
  • 전유선 Yuseon Jeon. Jeonbuk Naional University, Dept. of Mechanical Eng.
  • 김진택 Jintaek Kim. Jeonbuk Naional University, School Mechanical System Eng.
  • 이철형 Cheolhyung Lee. Dae Ryun Industrial Company
  • 선광명 Kwangmyung Sun. Dae Ryun Industrial Company
  • 이승로 Seungro Lee. Jeonbuk Naional University, Dept. of Mechanical Eng.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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