

Comparative Analysis of Public Officials’ Perceptions and Vulnerability Assessment with Citizens' Perceptions of Climate Change : Focused on Danyang-gun


Hye Rim Choi, Yong Un Ban

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study has intended to compare public officials' perceptions with citizens' ones of climate change and to compare climate change vulnerability assessment with citizens’ perceptions. To meet the goals, first, this study employed statistical analysis to analyze the differences in perceptions between the two stakeholders, and examined climate change sensitivity by health, disaster, forestry, water management, and ecosystem. Second, to compare climate change vulnerability with citizens’ perceptions, this study has adopted VESTAP, and a qualitative method. This study found the following results: 1) there were statistically significant differences in the perceptions between the two stakeholders in disaster and ecosystem area, and there were different areas of impact that differed by groups in health, disaster and forestry area; 2) In addition, there was a difference between vulnerability assessment results and citizens’ perceptions in forestry, water management, ecosystem area. Reducing the differences in perceptions between the two stakeholders can increase the effectiveness of implementing climate change adaptation policies. This study has proposed such policies as community system, and both education and promotion programs for citizens.


Background and Purpose of Research
Study scope and composition
Literature Review
Literature Review
Differentiation of this study
Research Methods
Setting Study Hypotheses
Research Method and Data
Analysis and Synthesis
Descriptive Statistics
Multiple regression analysis results
Comparative Analysis of Vulnerability Assessment and Citizens' Perceptions
Discussions and Policy Implications


  • Hye Rim Choi Department of Urban Engineering, Chungbuk National University
  • Yong Un Ban Department of Urban Engineering, Chungbuk National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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