The actual situation of domestic addicts is one in eight. Furthermore, addiction is making the next generation sick. The number of alcohol, drug, gambling and Internet addicts is estimated to be about 8 million from about 6.18 million. However, the accessibility of addiction is very high and the management systems are not linked to each other in overlapping way as well as conflicting one among government organizations. In addiction, the infrastructure of experts and professional institutions are weak. Therefore, researchers examined the current situation of addiction in Korea, focusing on alcohol, drug, gambling and Internet addiction with literatures, government report data, and related websites and so on. Based on the results of the study, researchers suggested ‘policy oriented public health’, ‘policy to reduce harm’, ‘policy oriented accountability’, ‘policy oriented consumer protection’, ‘policy integrated addiction management, ’policy approached by expert teams approach’.
Korean Addiction Situation and Government Intervention
Prevention policies of addictions
Alcohol Addiction
Drug Addiction
Gambling Addiction
Internet Addiction
Summary and Conclusion