

타자 인식을 통한 미국인 되기 : 수키 김의 『통역사』를 중심으로


Becoming an American through Recognizing Others : Focusing on Suki Kim’s The Interpreter


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study examines the process of an Asian American protagonist Suzy Park becoming an American, taking the role of a detective trying to solve the murder case of her own parents and to find out her missing sister, Grace. During her whole life, Suzy has pursued the white American identity and always been conscious of being watched by others, wondering who the others are. In The Interpreter, the others are symbolized as the white American Suzy has tried to identify with or the American system such as police, courts, and INS which control and surveil the immigrants with absolute power. Grace is also represented as the other who has watched and tried to protect Suzy from the unspeakable family secret. In this novel, Grace and Suzy turn out to be symbolic twins. Accepting the identity of being a twin with Grace, Suzy realizes that the invisible other who has watched her for whole life is in fact Suzy herself. Suzy also realizes that it was she herself that drew a line unconsciously between the identity of a white American and that of an Asian American. Finally, Suzy thinks that there is no need to doubt her own American identity because she is always one of the Americans in America composed of immigrants. In the whole process, the ability of reading the gap between two languages of an interpreter helps Suzy find out her American identity.


I. 들어가는 말
II. 타자의 유형
1. 욕망의 대상으로서의 타자
2. 권력으로서의 타자: 미국의 제도
III. 타자를 통한 미국인 되기
1. 숨겨진 의미를 찾는 통역사의 능력
2. 미국인으로서의 정체성 인식
IV. 나가는 말
Works Cited


  • 신혜정 Shin, Hyejeung. 경희대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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