

Culture Convergence (CC)

Exploratory Study on Consumer's Hedonic Value for Retail Advertising and Marketing Plans: Based on In-depth Interview on Consumer's Shopping Experience




Going shopping would be a very reasoned and well-planned activity, however, at the same time, it would not. People may go shopping just for fun and as their leisure. The motivations for going shopping and their experiences cannot be fully explained with the economic utility or the information-processing model. Thus, this study explored the hedonic aspect of the experiences of shopping as an alternative explanation to consumers’ motivations of shopping and discussed retail advertising and marketing plans. An in-depth interview was conducted to obtain a better understanding about hedonic value, and it was found that hedonic value affects a consumer’s shopping experience and that understanding consumers’ motivations for shopping and establishing competitive advertising and marketing plans is important in drawing more consumers. Strategic implications for establishing further retail advertising and marketing plans obtained from the findings were also suggested.


1. Introduction
2. Reviews of Previous Research on Consumers’ Shopping Behavior
3. Method
4. Results
5. Conclusion


  • Sangho Seo Professor, Dept. of Mass Communication, Konkuk University, Korea


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