

한-영 신문사설 번역에서 나타나는 인간번역과 기계번역 간의 어휘 사용 차이 연구


A study of lexical usage differences between human and machine translation in English translations of Korean newspaper editorials.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study aims to identify stylistic differences between human and machine translation in terms of word usage. For this purpose, a comparable corpus was constructed, which consisted of English translations of 110 Korean newspaper editorials done by a group of human translators and three online machine translation services (Google, Bing and Papago) respectively. Principal component analysis was performed on the corpus to investigate differences in the way 200 most frequent terms are related to the human and machine translators. Additionally, part-of-speech analyses were carried out to further elucidate the differences found in the PCA analysis. The major findings are that machine translators tend to overuse ‘be’ verbs and ‘as’ and ‘if’ subjunctive connectives, while underusing third-person personal pronouns, particularly the female form, ‘she’. Additionally, they were found to rely heavily on high-frequency content words. These characteristics of machine translators are construed as stemming from their scope of lexical options being limited by structural correspondence to original Korean texts.


I. 들어가는 말
II. 번역학 관점에서의 국내 기계번역 연구 최근 동향
III. 연구방법
IV. 분석결과
1. PCA 분석결과
2. 품사 심층 분석 (1): be 동사
3. 품사 심층 분석 (2): as, if 종속 접속사
4. 품사 심층 분석 (3): 인칭대명사
5. 품사 심층 분석 (4): 고빈도 일반명사
V. 나가는 말


  • 이창수 Lee, Chang-soo. 한국외국어대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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