

기업 프레젠테이션의 순차통역 상황에서 연사와 통역사의 손짓의 사용 양상에 대한 비교 고찰


A comparative study of speaker’s and interpreter’s hand gestures during consecutive interpreting – Focusing on the business presentation.




With the development of machine translation technology, the competitiveness of human interpreter needs to be further strengthened. In light of this, translating nonverbal message is more important than ever. Just like the speakers who make full use of nonverbal communication, interpreter also needs to pay attention to the importance of nonverbal communication. Of all the kinesics, the most frequently used is the hand gesture. The purpose of this paper is to compare and analyze the hand gesture of the speaker and that of the interpreter. For this reason, this paper set two questions. First, what hand the speaker and the interpreter use during consecutive interpreting for business presentation? Second, is the interpreter influenced by the speaker’s hand gesture? What is the difference or similarity between the hand gesture of the speaker and the interpreter? This paper attempts to analyze the hand gestures of both the speaker and the interpreter. The theoretical background for this analysis consists in the types of hand gesture invented by Morris. On the basis of hand gesture, three hand signals are described—deictic signals, baton signals, symbolic signals. The results are as follow: When the speaker and the interpreter explain the content of PowerPoint, they both use deictic signals or baton signals, and when describing specific words, they use similar symbolic signals. It is worth noting that if the speaker’s message is accompanied with hand gesture, the interpreter is ready to interpret the message with the same hand gesture. This means that the speaker's hand gesture influences the hand gesture of the interpreter, thus affecting the formation of message. This paper is limited to one case, so the scope of its research objects needs to be expanded. This paper demonstrates that interpreter uses the similar or different hand gesture as the speaker does and interpreter’s hand gesture would play an active role in the process of interpreting.


I. 들어가는 말
II. 이론적 배경
1. 통역학 내 신체언어에 대한 연구
2. 손짓의 정의와 통역학 내 연구
III. 연구방법
1. 연구대상 및 분석 방법
2. 손짓의 유형에 대한 조작적 정의
IV. 분석 결과
1. 연사와 통역사의 손짓의 사용 양상 비교
2. 연사와 통역사의 손짓 유형별 사용 양상 비교
IV. 나가는 말


  • 이지혜 Lee, Ji-hye.. 이화여자대학교


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