

A Study on the Desired Target Signal Estimation using MUSIC and LCMV Beamforming Algorithm in Wireless Coherent Channel




In this paper, we studied to direction of arrival (DoA) estimation to use DoA and optimum weight algorithms in coherent interference channels. The DoA algorithm have been considerable attention in signal processing with coherent signals and a limited number of snapshots in a noise and an interference environment. This paper is a proposed method for the desired signal estimation using MUSIC algorithm and adaptive beamforming to compare classical subspace techniques. Also, the proposed method is combined the updated weight value with LCMV beamforming algorithm in adaptive antenna array system for direction of arrival estimation of desired signal. The proposed algorithm can be used with combination to MUSIC algorithm, linearly constrained minimum variance beamforming (LCMV) and the weight value method to accurately desired signal estimation. Through simulation, we compare the proposed method with classical direction of in order to desired signals estimation. We show that the propose method has achieved good resolution performance better that classical direction arrival estimation algorithm. The simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed method.


1. Introduction
2. Signal model
2.1 Linear Prediction signal method
2.2 All Pole Linear Prediction Signal Model
3. Optimal weight vector
4. Proposed DoA algorithm
5. Simulation
6. Conclusion


  • Kwan Hyeong Lee Associate Professor, Division of Human IT Convergence, Daejin University, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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