

A Study of Time Synchronization Methods for IoT Network Nodes



Many devices are connected on the internet to give functionalities for interconnected services. In 2020', The number of devices connected to the internet will be reached 5.8 billion. Moreover, many connected service provider such as Google and Amazon, suggests edge computing and mesh networks to cope with this situation which the many devices completely connected on their networks. This paper introduces the current state of the introduction of the wireless mesh network and edge cloud in order to efficiently manage a large number of nodes in the exploding Internet of Things (IoT) network and introduces the existing Network Time Protocol (NTP). On the basis of this, we propose a relatively accurate time synchronization method, especially in heterogeneous mesh networks. Using this NTP, multiple time coordinators can be placed in a mesh network to find the delay error using the average delay time and the delay time of the time coordinator. Therefore, accurate time can be synchronized when implementing IoT, remote metering, and real-time media streaming using IoT mesh network.


1. Introduction
2. Related Studies
3. Proposed system
4. Conclusion


  • Sung Geun Yoo Ph.D., Program, Graduate School of Nano IT Design Fusion, Seoultech, Korea
  • Sangil Park Research Professor, IT Fusion Technology Research Center, Seoultech, Korea
  • Won-Young Lee Associate Professor, Dept. of Electronic and IT Media Engineering, Seoultech, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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