

A Study on 3D Printer Design for Clothing Printing : Focusing on Knitted Wearable Clothing Output



This study is a design study related to the application of 3D printer technology for garment printing. Knitting, which used to be a home industry in the early days, originally comes from hand-knitting. This evolved with various personal devices as a small job for the self-sufficiency of early European housewives. In addition, since the Industrial Revolution, mechanical production entered the mass production mass supply system, and various apparel products were provided to consumers in accordance with mass standardized dimensions. This is similar to the development process in Korea. In addition, it has formed a considerable market with the situation that it can produce and supply apparel products at low labor costs of first-generation Namdaemun and Dongdaemun merchants. As the production shifted to the Southeast Asian region due to the increase in labor costs in the domestically developed social situation, the production of garment products in Korea is now almost 5%. As a result, apparel-related production facilities and related companies are constantly moving to other countries to move production facilities sensitively due to rising labor costs. Recently, smart factory automation has been planned to explore new possibilities. In addition, in recent years, with the evolved appearance of consumers, the appropriate supply of the right amount of production has appeared, and the 3D printer applied to personal garment output has attracted considerable interest in the customized market. Therefore, in order to become a new hope and a small addition to various clothing workers, this study conducted related research on the following 3D printers for clothing output and attempted to proceed with a new design.


1. Introduction
2. Development of an Apparel Manufacturing Method
2.1 Advances in the production of knitwear
2.2 Knitting technique
2.3 Open source knitting
2.4 Development example of clothing 3D printer design
3. 3D Printer Design for Clothing Output
3.1 Open source knitting machine for clothing output
3.2 Pattern research for open source knitting
3.3 Open source knitwear production and fashion show
4. Conclusion


  • Chung Do-Seung Ph.D., Professor, Department of Industrial Design, Kookmin University, Seoul, Korea
  • Kwan-Bae Kim Ph.D., Professor, Department of Industrial Design, Kookmin University, Seoul, Korea
  • Jung-Sik Jang Ph.D., Professor, Department of Industrial Design, Kookmin University, Seoul, Korea


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