


주거취약계층별 주거비부담 결정요인 비교분석 : 부산지역을 대상으로


Comparative Analysis of Determinants of Housing Cost Burden by Housing Vulnerable Groups in Busan

권연화, 최열

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study is to classify the housing vulnerable groups as elderly households, disabled households, and basic living recipients and to analyze the monthly rent and the housing cost burden. The study used data from the renters and the housing vulnerable groups in Busan in the 2017 Korea Housing Survey. The results of this study are summarized as follows; The monthly rent of the vulnerable groups in Busan was influenced by income, rent type, housing size, and residential area variable. Housing cost burden of the vulnerable groups was affected by Housing size, household type, and rent type variables. When living in a house, monthly rents and the housing cost burden for the basic living recipient were increased. Satisfaction with accessing to cultural facilities was significant for the monthly rents(except basic living recipient) and only the housing cost burden(Schwabe’s index) of the basic living recipient. On the other hand, satisfaction with accessing to public transportation facilities was significant for the monthly rents of disabled households, and had an impact on the housing cost burden(RIR, Schwabe’s index) of households except basic living recipient.


1. 서론
2. 이론적 고찰과 선행연구
2.1. 주거취약계층의 개념
2.2. 주거비와 주거비 부담능력
2.2. 주거비 부담능력에 관한 선행연구
3. 실증분석 개요
3.1. 분석모형
3.2. 분석대상 및 변수의 설정
3.3. 변수의 기초통계량
4. 주거취약계층별 임대료 수준 및 주거비부담 결정요인 비교분석
4.1. 주거취약계층의 임대료 수준에 대한 분석
4.2. 주거취약계층의 소득 대비 주거비부담 분석(RIR 활용)
4.3. 주거취약계층의 소비지출 대비 주거비부담 분석(슈바베지수 활용)
5. 요약 및 결론



  • 권연화 Kwon, Yeon-Hwa. 부산대학교 도시문제연구소 전임연구원
  • 최열 Choi, Yeol. 부산대학교 도시공학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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