

Special Features

Systèmes d'écriture : Transformations et convergences


Lelia Gándara

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In a world marked by cultural transformations, writing systems are not spared from changes as well. In communication contexts mediated by Information and Communications Technology (ICT), in particular, there are observable transformations that affect not only so called phonographic (alphabetic) written systems but also logographic writing system (Chinese). These changes may lead one to think of a gradual hybridization of writing systems which could lead to profound transformations of the concept of writing as we understand it today. In this sense, we are interested in incorporating the point of view of contact between systems, for which we focus on the contact between alphabetic writings and Chinese writing. The observation of the changes that are occurring in both types of writing systems allows us to consider in a new way the tendencies of writing in general in the framework of the phenomenon that Walter Ong has called “the secondary orality.” In this context, because of multiculturalism and the progressive contact between writing systems, it is conceivable that the already visible hybridization will increase, even leading to a certain degree of convergence.


1. Introduction
2. Systèmes d'écriture
3. Des transformations dans le contexte de la mondialisation et des nouvelles technologies
3.1. Dans les contextes d’écriture phono-logo-graphique
3.2. Dans les contextes d'écriture morphologique: l'écriture chinoise
4. À titre de conclusion


  • Lelia Gándara Université de Buenos Aires - Argentine


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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