

Special Features

Towards a cognitive media genetics


Marcin Sobieszczanski

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The cognitive sciences have provided crucial insights into several fields of cultural sciences. In particular, the faculty of language has been the area of spectacular advances which have produced arguments in favor of a naturalized vision of linguistic artifacts. It is now the turn of writing, the first complex medium of the human being to seal the union of verbal language with a system of graphic signs, to be subjected to the application of biological epistemology and thereby to confirm the existence of bridges between the genetics of the brain substrate, epigenetics, behavioral mimicry and finally cultural learning. The cerebral localization of the scriptural abilities, recently discovered in the area known as the Exner area, argues for this body/culture circularity and makes it possible to imagine new research programs covering all the media. The diffusion of digital multisensory media brings a new element to this perspective. Indeed, the intensive use of these media causes an ultrafast impact on the functional architecture of the human brain. This new situation, in which the learning of a new medium and the cognitive impact that its use arouses, coincides with the process of its conception and circulation, confers on designers the role “pro-geneticists”.


Genetics of the brain and its products
Circular view of body/culture coupling
The Paradox of culture
The Case of the writing area
The Extension of the grammatological research
From &quat;media genetics&quat; to &quat;pro-genetics of media design&quat;
Sensory complementarity
Bio-artefactual complementarity
Durative principle


  • Marcin Sobieszczanski Université Côte d'Azur


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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